No Cell Phone Use, Please
We have signs posted in all our students which state "no cell phones. Now you may be thinking "well duh, how could I use my cell phone while I'm cycling or practicing yoga," but trust me, you'd be surprised. We have fitness tracking systems in all of our studios and when cell phones are powered up to Bluetooth in the studio it literally F's things up. The main reason we want you to keep your cell phones out of the spaces where we move and groove is because we want you connected. We want you connected to us and to the people around you. We want you connected to all the reasons that moved your precious feet into our doors in the first place. We want you connected on a heart and soul level leaving the rest of life's BS outside with next IOS update. Most of all, we want you connected to that boom-boom rhythm of your heart. Don't get me wrong. I have fallen prey to the vortex of life-sucking energy provided by that little black box in my hand. When I am on my phone for long periods of time, I feel tired and depleted. It makes me wonder if the human experience was meant to be so falsely electrified. It's interesting that the "connection" to the world often leaves me feeling somewhat lost and alone unlike the feeling I get when I am truly alone and in solitude with my thoughts and in nature. Even as I type these words on a larger black box called a PC, I am pondering how much richer these musings would be if shared over coffee with a good friend. It amazes me that the whole premise behind cell phones was to keep us connected to each other when in fact they keep us deeply disconnected. To the extent our heads are wide open to our phones, our hearts are narrowly closed to the people, sites and experiences standing in front of us. Let's do a better job of finding what it really means to be connected. Let's allow the tentacles of our light to come from our eyes, mouths and fingers through the filter of our hearts, not a filter on Instagram. Let's give IOS updates an IOU so that we can live our lives more deeply connected to each other. Let's do this, together.