2020 is HERE!
We are well into the New Year, and you are journaling, practicing gratitude, getting that water in, and working out 4-5 times a week, right? If you're like most of us, you started out strong and now life is starting to happen. Just last week, I hosted our annual Intention Setting Workshop and gave the participants some tips to help them get out of their own way and stay on track to living their best life. One of the things I shared in the workshop was some pure, raw truth. I am not motivated. There- I said it. Yes, I have built three glorious spaces in a 5 year time period to meet our community in a way that fulfills not only my vision of health and wellness, but is supported by a team of strong, badass individuals. Yes, I have created a life that I love and that has set me up for new opportunities to do what I love which is helping others do the same. And yes, I am lazy. When I am asked how I stay on track, and I cut through all the BS when coming to a response, it comes back to one thing. I am not motivated, but I am disciplined. Do I meet my workout goals every week? No, I do not. BUT I do know that giving myself what I need to fill my cup only allows my cup to overflow so that I have a lot of reserve to give to others. Do I have a plan or idea of how my workouts should look? Yes, I do. BUT does life get in the way and keep me from meeting that exact plan? Yes, it does. So what do I do when that happens? Do I beat myself up because I don't get the 45 minute cardio session in or the requisite number of sets and reps in on lift days? What if I can't get my 60 minutes of yoga or 10 minutes of meditation because I was just rear-ended in the Kroger parking lot? Let's face it, shit happens. But if you discipline yourself to do SOMETHING for SOME amount of time, you will stay on track. I have a series three words for all of you (other than the obvious, I LOVE YOU)- MOVE YOUR BODY. EVERY DAMN DAY. BROWN DOG YOGA. YOGA BARRE CYCLE. YOGA BARRE FUSION. YOGA CYCLE TRX. ALWAYS THE YOGA. If you miss a sweat sesh, take some time to CLOSE YOUR EYES. INHALE THEN EXHALE. ADD THE ARMS. MOVE BREATHE REPEAT. I have this really weird thing with "3's" which goes way back to my days of practicing law. One of my mentors shared with me early on in my career- "think in three's"- and that has just stuck. That mantra keeps me disciplined even today when I have put away my suits and shoes and traded them for MAKING A DIFFERENCE. My point is find a way to stay disciplined even when life happens. Set that intention. Maybe it's three words, maybe it's five, maybe it's ten. IT DOESN'T MATTER. DO THE WORK. TRY SOME CLASSES. THREE STUDIOS. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. I will leave you with one final nugget. I am not perfect. I am not the smartest apple in the bunch. I am not the prettiest, the richest, the thinnest, nor am I any of the other superlatives that society deems worthy of notice. But I will promise you this. When in comes to LIVING MY DREAM- IMPACTING YOUR LIFE-MAKING A DIFFERENCE- no one will work harder than me than making that happen. Those who know me know. I'VE GOT THIS, and SO DO YOU. If it matters to you, you will MAKE IT HAPPEN. SIT WITH IT. Take some time, and decide what it is that makes you get up and get going. I believe it starts with you. FILL THAT CUP. EVERY DAMN DAY. I believe in you. Get up, get moving. Find your fire, do the hard things.
Remember, it's not about perfection. IT'S ABOUT CONSISTENCY.